Friday, November 27, 2009

Check out Crazy Dora at the breeders yesterday. I am picking her up TONIGHT!!!! WOooO HoOoOoo, so excited!


Paul A Drockton M.A. said...

Did You know that your Blog is one of Google's top 100 for weight loss and dieting?
Pretty amazing if you ask me!

Alisa said...


This is my first time reading your blog...I follow a weight Watcher leader blog and she follows you and...And since I am trying to get into the head space of losing weight I figure I'll read anything to inspire me...and yours did! You have done amazing! WOW!
But...the real reason I had to write was after reading your last entry...I suffered like you... (I could have written that for myself! Identical!) for more than 4 years and was finally diagnosed with Adenomyosis. I was anemic and taking loads of iron pills, killed my stomach. I tried a few treatments that was recommended but in the end has a complete hysterectomy (since I was done having Children) it was for sure the best decision for me. My only regret is not doing it sooner!
Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!