Friday, December 01, 2006

This is the first week that I feel just BLAH about Weight Watchers. It's not that I don't want to do it, or that I'm struggling with food, I'm just SO not into it. I'm wondering if it's depression. Kinda feels like it. It's midnight and I'm sitting here with 7.5 daily points left. This has happened to me the last three nights. I'm not hungry, NOTHING sounds exciting to eat. I even have a Cadbury Thin bar sitting at my desk, but I just don't want it! Food is NOT turning me on this week, and neither is exercise. I went to the gym tonight, and I only did a half an hour of cardio. I never do that! Half an hour is peanuts, and the night before at home I did a measly 15 freaking minutes. 15 minutes? Why did I bother? I've lost my drive and I hope I get it back. I don't expect any kind of a loss this week. This is the first time I don't really even care (as long as I don't gain). I know, I suck...sure hope I get my oomph back :O(


Anonymous said...

I am feeling the exact same way! BUT, when I read through your posts and feel your excitement when you have posted losses I find myself getting pumped back up about this!
And having a cadbury bar just sitting there without me eating it???I wish that would happen! I am such a piglet lately

Anonymous said...

we all hit walls at some point in our WW journey and have those nights with too many points left over and no drive to eat (even treats!). you could try to shake things up a little though: try new foods, new gym routines, etc. and see if that kick starts things a little. It will pass, you'll see.

and i know this has no bearing on it either way, but you totally kick ass!