Thursday, November 25, 2010

So, I went in today to get the seroma drained from my tummy. I woke up at 6am, and the swelling was gone! My body reabsorbed it? So strange, but I had sent my PS pictures a few days ago, when the fluid was there, and she had agreed that I was more swollen then I was before and said I needed to come in to have it aspirated. So I wasn't imagining things! When I was there today, she looked over my incisions and she had missed a stitch under my breast when she removed them last week, so at least my visit wasn't a total waste of her time. The reason the fluid and swelling went away seems to be because I've been RESTING! Not during the day, but forcing myself to put my feet up in the evenings. She wants me to continue to do so until my next visit on Dec 7th. OH, and I get to stop sleeping in my post surgical bra! YAY! At least I'll have SOME relief since I still need to be in the abdominal compression garment for 3 more weeks.


Q102Briand said...

I am so happy for you and proud of you! No draining of the fluid is a huge blessing. I hear that it is not fun. I had my tummy tuck a year ago last August and I also remember counting down the days til the compression garment came off :-)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going well. Mothers don't know how to rest, crazy doctor! Do you have any new pictures to post, or are you doing that privatly? said...

You look amazing and have done such a great job. I am 12 weeks in on a journey to lose 60 pounds. It is slow moving but after many failed attemps I know that I am ready this time. So 1 year or 5 years. Whatever it takes.. I too would like to have a reduction/lift. I have for years and have always said if I lose the weight I will. I am a DD but at a healthy weight wich was HS i was a C..So I guess I will see what happens. For sure I will need a lift. I would like for once in my life to wear a tube top dress or a cute swim suit and not worry about my boobs all the time..I hope you have a speedy recovery!

Mrs F. said...

Where are you, what happened?

Mrs F. said...

Where are you, what happened?

Elena said...

Good luck and get well soon......I don't know how it is that surgical bra.......don't sounds sexy!

Pretty Pauline said...

Your photos are WAY inspiring! This post scares me at the beginning of my journey. I'm still going on it! But loose skin is my biggest fear. Ugh. I'm so happy to read you are doing well and would love you to update for this first-time reader!

lose 10 pounds in a week said...

very inspired photos