Monday, January 14, 2008

I had a wicked AP day today. 6AP's for 50 min high intensity cardio, and 1 for 30 min strength training. I'm finally getting my cardio level back up a bit, I can tell. Workouts are becoming more enjoyable, and not so freakin' hard! I'm seriously considering that 10k Sun Run mid April. We'll see how I'm doing by the end of the month, and then I'll commit either way. Dropping my points from 30 down to 23 this last 4 days hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to switch back to the losing phase. I guess that it's all in your head because I can't even tell that I am eating less food. Maybe it doesn't bother me because I know it's only temporary. One thing that I did notice at the gym today is I seriously need to work on my Core. I thought that my little Ab-ball workouts were doing me some good, but not really! When I tried to do some plain ol' situps tonight at the gym, it was much harder than I thought it would be. So, I'm going to try increasing the Core portion of my strength training. Maybe it'll help a bit with the pooch :O)


Martalu said...

Woohooo! Great job Shaunna! Yesterday I challenged myself out on my run. It felt AWESOME! and so fulfilling. So how long is the Sun Run?

Jen said...

Woman, I freaking ♥ you!!!

You kick ass ALL the time, and you have DEFINITELY encouraged me to rock it at the gym tonight!!!

Have you tried a stability ball class??? I used to do them ALL the time when I lived down south and my core muscles were pretty awesome!!

Vanessa said...

Wow, good workout! I need to work on my Core training too. It's the area I enjoy working the least so I know I need to focus on it the most. Boo :P.

soapbox girl said...

I have weak abs, too! I dread sit-ups, but I know I need to do it. Great job!

Mamacita Chilena said...

way to go! isn't it awesome when working out finally feels good instead of like a total TORTURE?!?

Cat said...

Don't you love that feeling when you can tell that you're starting to get back into 'cardio' shape?

It makes those hours go by so much faster!

I'm so happy that you're feeling the gym again, 'cause I know how much you inspire everyone.

Shirls said...

wow superwoman! holy big time workouts girl! I work hard on my abs, doc, physio therapist and massage therapist all agree its the only way to keep the 4 bulging discs in my back stable and prevent them bursting, icky but true, keep a strong core, have a strong balance back... talk about motivation!